How does lack of sleep affect productivity?

Tiredness can have a severe impact on all aspects of your life. Whether you are a student, an entrepreneur, or an employee, a person has to be efficient to reach their goals. Thus, being productive or proactive is vital in determining how well we do in life.

It is no secret that sleep is an essential function that allows our body and mind to recharge and helps us feel rejuvenated. Indian employees work for at least 8 hours daily, along with some extra hours commuting from their home to work and vice versa. Unfortunately, more work results in less sleep. It is needless to say that sleep deprivation hampers productivity resulting in poor performance. When feeling drowsy, a person takes a lot of mental energy trying to stay awake. This energy drain makes it difficult for people to stay focused on tasks that require concentration.

If this cycle continues, it will impact your job performance, career progression, and overall job satisfaction. Many studies conclude that reducing your sleep time by as little as 1.5 hours could result in more than a 30 per cent reduction in daytime alertness. While it is true that stress can affect your sleep, however, this is also true the other way round. Not following a proper sleep schedule may leave you feeling tired and uninventing, making it difficult to focus on vital projects.

And not just productivity, lack of sleep can have a long-term effect on a human being. Various studies suggest sleep deprivation can result in serious illnesses that include:

Heart attack

High blood pressure



Heart failure


If sleep deprivation is causing you to feel tired at work, we have a few tips that will be helpful to you.

Reassess your priorities

These days it is considered normal to sacrifice sleep. Be it working on an urgent project, binge-watching your favourite show, or socializing. Next time you think of justifying staying up past your bedtime, take a moment to evaluate the side effects associated with sleep deprivation. Try asking yourself, is it worth it? If your answer is negative, maybe it’s time to reconsider your priorities and set new boundaries for your professional and personal life.


Be realistic

Though we may want to, not everyone can change their work schedule to define an ideal sleep cycle. People may have to work shifts that interrupt their sleep cycle whether or not they like it. Therefore, it is necessary to understand your needs before fixing your schedule.

Practice sleep hygiene

Having an ideal sleep environment is as critical as sleeping. Your mattress, sheets, and even the colour of your bedroom walls play a crucial role in determining the quality of your sleep. Choosing a mattress that suits your needs, having a set time to sleep, and eliminating habits hampering your sleep schedule play a pivotal part in giving you a good night’s sleep.


Be flexible

If your work schedule impacts your sleep pattern, it is better to sit and evaluate your priorities and then discuss with your boss to find a solution that suits both. Also, it is better to put a timeline on your working hours, even when working remotely, so you can, detach from work and focus on other aspects of your personal life.


We hope this blog helps you set that perfect sleep schedule and improves your productivity.


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