Allergies and Sleep - how are they related?
Sleep is vital for everyone and plays an impactful role in determining our physical and mental health. Sleep deprivation can alter our immune function. On the contrary, getting good sleep facilitates speedy recovery from illness or injury. When we sleep, our bodies secret melatonin, which enhances our immune response and growth hormone resulting in healing. Asthma and allergies are chronic conditions which can affect your sleep if not treated properly. Allergens enter your nose and irritate your nasal passages, thus triggering uncomfortable symptoms like nasal congestion, sneezing, running nose, and watery eyes. These symptoms then impact your ability to breathe, which worsens while sleeping. As a result, people with allergies often experience insomnia which increases the chances of daytime sleepiness. Also, lack of sleep can make you feel tired and grumpy the next day. Tiredness can impair your performance at work, which, in turn, heightens anxiety and stress response, ultimately ma...