How to Enhance the Life of Your Mattress

 Now that you have got your new mattress, you are all excited to finally treat yourself to a blissful night’s sleep. But have you ever stopped for a while and wondered that how a mattress can change the way we sleep? Though we spend a third of our lives sleeping and, that’s a lot of time, we forget to take proper care of our mattresses.

 Although buying a good mattress is an investment, taking good care of it can prove that you have made a good one. It is crucial to know how to take care of your mattress and enhance the life of your mattress.

 While mattresses these days are naturally long-lasting, one should still know how to take care of them to give them extra life. If you are wondering how to make your mattress durable, we have some tips to help you enhance the life of your mattress.

Use mattress protector

 A good mattress protector keeps your mattress waterproof and protects it against spills. It also prevents dirt and dust particles from entering your mattress, thereby reducing the chances of them causing skin irritation. A mattress protector not only safeguards it from damage from within but also keeps sweat out of the mattress. Thus, it decreases the building up of allergens like mold and dirt mites.

Strong Base

 The base of your bed plays a crucial part in determining the lifespan of your mattress. A good mattress can also sag if your bed doesn’t support it well. The bed base should evenly distribute the mattress weight. Remember to check if you need a new bed base before getting a mattress.

Rotate your mattress frequently.

 When the area which supports your back has a groove, it’s time to rotate your mattress. Flipping your mattress or rotating it once in 3 months will ensure that you crawl into a supportive and comfortable one for a long time. Mattress rotation will also help prevent back pain and let your mattress wear evenly. Therefore, you should often flip and rotate it.


Don’t eat in bed

 It’s a good idea to keep food off the bed. We know how tempting it can be to enjoy your Sunday breakfast in bed or have a snack while watching movies. However, food crumbs can get into sheets and mattress layers, attracting mites. Also, liquids can spill and leave stains which can cause unrepairable damage to your mattress.

Clean your mattress regularly.

 It’s a good idea to strip your mattress cover and vacuum its surface. This way, one can reduce dust and debris from entering your mattress. If your mattress cover is removable and washable, do wash it as well. Some cleaning experts also recommend sprinkling baking soda on the mattress surface before vacuuming to absorb excess moisture and odors.

Pay attention to the warranty.

 When you buy a new mattress, be aware of the warranty period. Ideally, the manufacturer should spell out what they cover, how to file claims and, helpful tips for mattress care clearly in the warranty document.

Finally, a good-quality mattress is also essential to ensure you are getting years of blissful sleep as lower-quality materials will break down sooner regardless of the care.

 Overall, the better you care for your mattress, the longer it will last. Also, when your mattress lasts longer, your investment in getting a good one is worth it.

 We hope that these tips will prove beneficial in your quest to enhance the lifespan of your mattress.

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