The Monsoon Making you sleepy

Have you ever wondered why the rainy weather seems to have such a profound effect on your sleep? As the monsoon season arrives, bringing with it heavy rains, thunderstorms, and cooler temperatures, many people find themselves feeling sleepier than usual. It's no secret that weather can have a significant impact on our moods and overall well-being, and sleep is no exception. While many people find this weather perfect for a cozy nap, others may experience an increase in drowsiness and fatigue. In this blog post, we, at American Mattress Company will explore the connection between the monsoon season and sleepiness, and how weather can impact your sleep quality. The Science behind Sleepiness during Monsoons: When it comes to sleepiness during the monsoon, there are several factors at play. One of the primary causes is the change in atmospheric pressure. During this season, the air becomes denser, which affects the oxygen levels in the environment. Reduced oxygen can lea...