Why Latex mattress from American Life Mattress?
We all know how lack of sleep can make us cranky. And while we all know how incredibly crucial a good night’s sleep is, we are all guilty of taking it for granted. Thanks to the ever-evolving technology, we now have multiple mediums that can interfere with our natural sleep patterns. And though some of you may argue about sleeping for 7-8 hours daily, the question remains are you sleeping enough? Or should we say how much sleep is enough sleep? Let’s get to the basics first. Contrary to the notion, the quantity of your sleep does not determine the quality of your sleep. In other words, 8 to 10 hours of fragmented sleep won’t be as healthy or refreshing as 6 to 7 hours of undisturbed one. The quality of your mattress plays an integral role in determining the quality of your sleep. Having said this, let’s talk about latex mattresses that offer excellent comfort and support compared to the traditional ones. Many popular brands like American Life manufacture premium quality latex mat...